It happened again. Another app that touts it will help breastfeeding moms showed up in my feed.
This one apparently teaches mom to recognize swallows. It's supposed to give the mom confidence that she has a good milk supply. Sounds great in theory, but dig a bit... The advertisement shows a mom with ear buds in her ears, another bud of sort connected to baby near the jaw (yes, a wire thing is stuck to the baby) and then the thing is plugged into a mobile device. Mom is watching the phone as it tracks swallows. The commercial for the thing even tells you to watch the screen on your mobile device while nursing your baby. I ask, why is she not watching the baby? Is that not a good way to engage and know if milk is transferring from mom to baby? Why is she not tracking diapers? Logic tells us that if baby is not wetting or soiling diapers, there is not enough input. To me, this app is just another gimmick that pulls us away from learning our babies cues. Under normal circumstances, a healthy full-term baby is capable of telling us if things are working or not. Look at your babies moms, not some high priced app that is going to fill somebody's pocket with money while taking advantage of a new mom's insecurities. If you are having doubts, insecurities or just need some reassuring, reach out to your local IBCLC, or La Leche League. I guarantee you will get more help from either of those (and certainly a lot more personal attention) than from some app. To top things off, if you are having trouble, you are going to need the help anyway, so why spend the money on a gimmick that takes your attention away from your baby? When my babies were born, I often heard, "Watch the baby, not the clock". In this age of technology, I'd like to now say, "Watch the baby, not the app". Check out the video that demonstrates a suck/swallow pattern with very audible swallow sounds.
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Dawn Bower, IBCLC
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